Should you decide that you would like to transfer your website from your hosting account with us to a new host, you agree and understand that it is the responsibility of your new hosting provider to perform the migration for you and set up your website on their server.

You also understand and agree that by transferring to another host, all our complimentary services to your Website/Landing Page will be terminated. These complimentary services include but are not limited to scheduled backups, Elementor Pro license and access to our network reports. 

When transferring to another host we do not place any limits to how many of your website files you can transfer out from us and you will have our full support to facilitate this migration process. At your request, we will give you FULL access to your cPanel account (the back end of your website), where the incoming host will be able to access of all your website files and perform the migration for you.

These are the steps you will need to take in order to transfer your website from Creative Yadley.


In your Client Area, open a new support ticket and request for your cPanel login credentials. It is okay and recommended to let us know that you would like to move to a new hosting provider and we will not object to that. Informing us that you would like to migrate your site away will enable us to prepare your website for the migration as well as perform the necessary backups. Hosting migrations sometimes do go wrong and we will need to backup your website should the migration process fail and you may need to revert to your hosting account with us/restore some settings.


Since you will now have the same copy of your website site with both providers (Creative Yadley and your new host), it’s time to move everything from us to the new host. You’ll need to download all your website files from our server , then upload them to the new host’s site. Again, this migration has to be performed by the new host. Usually, most hosts perform these migrations for free or at a nominal fee. Find out from your new host.


Whilst we perform regular backups on our server, it is crucial that you back-up the old database before you close your account with us. You agree and understand that is is your responsibility to save your emails yourself since we won’t be able to keep them. You’ll restore your database on the new hosting site once all the files are gathered.


When all the files are on both hosts (us and your new host), you can then change your DNS, the domain name server. If you are unfamiliar with how to change your DNS, feel free to ask us how the DNS is stored before pointing your domain to the new host. The new company can also assist you with making the DNS change.


After completing these steps, it normally takes up to 72 hours for your entire site to migrate over to the new DNS. This depends on how many files you have in the old database. Once the switch is completed to the new company, we will keep our copy of your website for 7 business days, after which  we will completely delete it from our server and cancel your account.