How To Grant Us Delegate Access To Your GoDaddy Account Print

  • 24

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  • You can invite us into your GoDaddy account as a delegate.
  • This is a required step if you need us to point your current domain which is located in your GoDaddy account to the new Website/Landing Page that we are designing for you.
  • As a delegate, we will be able to access your domain settings but we will not be able to view or change your account information e.g your payment methods and passwords.


Steps Involved

  1. Go to your GoDaddy Account Settings. If you're not already logged in, you'll be prompted to log in.
  2. Click Delegate Access.


Image result for GoDaddy delegate access


3. In the People Who Can Access My Account section, click Invite to Access.

4. Enter the name Creative Yadley and this email address [email protected]

5. Select Products and Domains. With this level of access, we will be able to access your products (including product control panels) and perform the necessary steps that are needed to point your domain. For more info, you can read this information by GoDaddy Assign delegate folder permissions.

6. Click Invite. We'll receive and acknowledge your email invitation to access your account. That's it!


Related Steps

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