How To Grant Us Developer Access To Your PayPal Account Print

  • woocommerce, payment gateway
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  • In most cases, we only require just your Paypal email address for the purposes of integrating your Website/Landing Page with the PayPal payment gateway.
  • However, there are also times when it may be necessary for us to log into your actual account so we can perform specific PayPal API operations on your behalf.


How To Grant Us Access

  1. Log in to PayPal with your Personal or Business account. If you do not have an account, create one.
  2. Click Profile at the top right, and select Profile and Settings.
  3. In the left menu, click My selling tools.
  4. In the Selling online section, click Update next to API access.
  5. On the API Access page, click Grant API Permission.
  6. Enter the name Creative Yadley and add this email address [email protected]
  7. On the Add New Third Party Permissions page, select Developer Access.
  8. Click Add.

We will receive your access invitation and will acknowledge this accordingly.

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