
How To Enable Guest Checkout On Your Site Print

  • woocommerce, checkout, sales
  • 1

5 Ways to Reduce Customer Fears Around Checkout


  • At Creative Yadley we believe that checkout processes must be as easy and as short as possible.
  • That is why we believe that it is probably a good idea to allow customers to be able to checkout without going through the tedious task of opening an account (Guest Checkout).
  • Allowing guest checkout is proven to be great for sales conversions.
  • But there is a disadvantage of doing this: Once you don’t create accounts for your users, you’ll lose a lot of data and potential customer analysis opportunities.
  • It is really up to you and how you envision your business model. If you really want guest checkout, here is how you can enable it:


Let`s Dive In


  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout.
  2. You’ll see a box with the label ‘Enable Guest Checkout’.
  3. Tick this box and customers will be able to purchase without logging in or creating a user account.

WooCommerce guest checkout


You Can Also Take It A Step Further

  • If you want, you can take this up a notch.
  • You can prevent customers from creating user accounts at all.
  • To do this, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts.
  • Untick the boxes to enable registration on the Checkout and My Account pages.
  • This will prevent customers from registering for your site at all, so you don’t need to provide a login page.


WooCommerce prevent user account creation



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